I'm Reece Mason. I'm 17.
Most of you could run away from home. Run away from your past. Away from your life. But I can't. If I run, I get hurt. And If I get hurt, I keep getting hurt. I don't know what I do wrong.
I should explain. It's my girlfriend that hurts me. But I love her so I let it pass. I don't know why she hurts me. I guess I just upset her or something. I upset everyone.
I upset my parents and they... died. Committed suicide on my 15th birthday. I walked into their room to ask them to come downstairs and they were hanging from the ceiling, holding hands. They died together. Thinking about it now, it was cute, true love. They never hurt each other or shouted, and if they did argue, I'd hear them crying in bed and saying sorry and hugging that night. I have an older brother. But I don't know where he is. Me and him never got on. He blamed me for our parents death then left. I guess it was my fault. But I don't know what I did. Do you ever feel like something's your fault but you don't know how?
I love Viola, my girlfriend. She's really pretty. But she hits pretty hard. But I'll never leave her. My brother and parents basically left me. I don't want to leave her. She's the only person I have. Even if she hurts me, I'll survive.
She also has a sister. Steph. I don't really talk to her much. But she's more polite then Viola. And she doesn't hurt me. Maybe... It's bad for me to say this but maybe if me and Viola weren't dating I could be good friends with Steph.
All outfits have the jumper in the picture with them